NMN’s performance on muscles and eyesight

NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide)” is a substance similar to vitamins found in the body’s cells.

The analysis of all human genes has progressed, and it has been discovered that there is a longevity gene that controls aging.

The longevity genes found by a research group at the University of W in the U.S. are “sirtuin genes,” of which there are seven in total.

The component that activates these seven types of sirtuin genes is a substance called NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).

NAD decreases with age.

And NMN is necessary for making this NAD.

As research progresses, clinical trials and evidence are being conducted on NMN’s anti-aging effects in various tissues.

Recently, NMN has been attracting particular attention for its performance on muscles and eyesight.

NMN is becoming indispensable for athletes as well.